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Le blog de Fanny
25 mai 2006

Dear friends !

Hello, I've just thought I'd be better translate my messages in english if I want all of you to understand it... and to be able to follow my trip. So, for those I haven't talked to since a long time, I'm still in my city, Rennes, studying languages ( spanish, italian and obviously english !), economics, and international trade ( very boring ). I don't really know what I want to do after this year (I'll graduate in two months) so I decided to leave France one more time and to go to OZ for 6 months, and then to start studying again. So in october I'll be in Sydney with my dear nick, and I hope I'll have a chance to see toni, dianne, julie, michelle, ... ( maybe john?!). What have you been up to? I'd like to know everything about you, that's why I created this blog, in order to tell you about my trip and to receive news from you. Para los espanoles, estaré una semana en Alicante este verano, no creo que podré irme hasta madrid o BCN, pero si estais por Alicante, quizas nos podriamos encontrar.... Os echo todos de menos... Hope to hear from you soon Hasta pronto
Hola guapa, este post si que lo he entendido ;) <br /> voy a tener que aprender francés para poder seguir tu devenir por las antípodas! Muchos besos y que lo pases muy bien, a ver si te pasas por Londres cuando vuelvas de Oz. Fxx
Le blog de Fanny
Le blog de Fanny
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